STEP 1. Enter 10-year ASCVD risk1
(enter a #, not a proportion; e.g., '10' correctly represents '10%', not '0.10' or '10%'): 0
STEP 2. Enter PM2.5 concentration to convert to AQI2
(enter a # to convert to Air Quality Index; e.g., '117' ): 13
STEP 3. Effectiveness of intervention to reduce exposure3
(enter a #, not a proportion; e.g., '35' correctly represents '35%', not '0.35' or '35%'): 15
NNT1 (day)4:
1. To calculate 10-year ASCVD risk visit ACC website:!/calulate/estimator/
2. To convert PM2.5 to AQI visit EPA airnow website (must be >12 µg/m3):
3. AQI activity guidelines for the general adult population (without heart or lung disease):RecommendationEstimated exposure reduction (range)
Unhealthy (AQI 151-200; PM2.5: 55.5 – 150.4 µg/m3)↓ Prolonged/heavy exertion outdoors15% (10-20%)
Very unhealthy (AQI 201-300; PM2.5: 150.5 – 250.4 µg/m3)Avoid prolonged/heavy exertion outdoors25% (20-30%)
Hazardous (AQI 301-500; PM2.5: 250.5-500.4 µg/m3)Avoid all physical activities outdoors35% (30-40%)
Wildfires and severe events (e.g., "hazardous" AQI levels)Remain indoors/keep activities low50% (40-60%)
4. Number needed to treat per day to prevent 1 ASCVD event (fatal or nonfatal MI or stroke)